Permit me
to dwell on something that I'm sure we all struggle with from time to time.
In-fact regardless of whether or not you permit me, I'm gonna talk, fairly
bluntly about an area that seems to find a way to nag away at me, and I'm sure
so many others.
I've purposely titled this piece 'Grace Is Real' because I do firmly
believe that Grace is real, and not a myth.
I've spent a lot of time during the past few months reading 'Right Believing',
by Joseph Prince, as well as watching Creflo Dollar sermons on Grace on my
In a nutshell what I've learnt during the past few months is nothing
short of amazing; that Jesus Christ has already completed - 'It is Finished'
all the works necessary for our salvation, health, victory over addictions, bad
habits, victory over sin, etc etc.
Furthermore the fact that we are 'In Christ Jesus' means that when God
looks at you and I He doesn't see our imperfections, failings, or mistakes, but
sees His Son Jesus Christ - because we are 'In Christ Jesus'.
Imagine that for a second.
Every time God looks at you He sees His son Jesus Christ, whom He
absolutely adores. Is there any better or more powerful way of been assured of
God's love for you???
Truly Truly Awesome!!!
I can't emphasise enough how much of a huge difference this has made in
my life. I've finally accepted that it is not I that will overcome, but that
Jesus has already overcome; not by my power or will, but by His power and will.
But here's my question.
I'm just going to put this out there - using some fairly common
Everyone has a flaw / vice of some kind; something he or she gives in to
from time to time that they aren't too happy about; for instance binge eating,
gossiping, cigarette smoking, unforgiveness, selfishness, anger, covetousness,
lust, fornication, masturbation, greed, jealousy, envy, slandering,
arrogance, pride, manipulation of others for selfish motives, etc etc.
I may have missed yours out (and don't tell me you don't have one), but
whichever one yours is, it is quite likely that most of the time you're okay
but every now and again you have a little dabble.
My question is - why hasn't Grace completely overcome it?
In my case, in the past, will-power would only work for a certain amount
of time. Indeed the very fact that I was trying to overcome with my own
will-power meant that my mind was permanently focused on not giving in to the
flesh; which of-course meant that a slip of some sort was always inevitable. As
you know, the more you focus on something the more likely you are to do it.
Since learning more about Grace I've finally let go of trying to use my
own will-power; meaning that I don't focus so much on areas of weakness, and am
therefore a lot more free, and so much happier.
But I can't help wondering why I still give in to the flesh every now
and then.
Am I not entrenched enough in Grace?
Or should we simply accept that every now and again we will fall prey to
our weakness / vice?
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