Monday, 6 January 2014


For whatever reason - or possibly as a result of growing up in a culture of reward and punishment, we struggle to fully accept the Gospel of God's Grace.

In other words we find it hard to accept the free gift of God's love.

Too many of us continue to believe that we have to do at least a little work in order to earn God's love, forgiveness, and blessings.

Stop searching for formulas for God's love.

There aren't any.

Jesus has already worked out and completed every formula that you or anyone else can ever think of - and so much more.

Let's live in the acceptance of the fact that we are no longer under the law but under GRACE.
Walk no longer under the cloud of past  failures, mistakes, and regrets.

If we continue to hold on to the past then we won't even see the wonders that God has for us in the present and the future, let alone receive them.

1. Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing.

Isaiah 43 vs 18-19

2. The greatest commandment is to love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your strength, and all your mind.

3. The second greatest is to love your neighbour like-wise.

May God enable us all to let go of the past, in order to fully focus on loving and serving God and each other; not in order to earn God's love - we already have that in spades - but because we want to.

Once again, a very happy new year to you.
I wish you a year of love, peace, and a joy that can only come from The Maker Himself.

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