Monday, 30 November 2015

How To Overcome A Sales Funk

You haven't sealed a deal for several months. Previously optimistic prospects are telling you there's nothing they can do for now; and your sales pipeline is more or less non existent. In-fact you just can't seem to even buy a sale.

You're in the dreaded Sales Funk.

Ask any successful salesman /woman what he or she strives on and they'll tell you it's 'Confidence' - in who they are, what's they're doing, what they're selling, and their ability to add value.

The first thing to disappear during a Sales Funk is confidence. You need to get your confidence back asap.


1. Sales is extremely psychological - for prospects, clients, and the seller.
‎Mentally revisit previous Sales Successes - how you achieved them, and how you felt. This will do two things;

A. Remind you that you are indeed a good salesman / woman.

B. Remind you of strategies that work, as well as enable you to come up with new or refined ones.

2. Visit clients to ask them how they're doing, as well as how the product / service you sold them is doing. Then simply listen to them.This will renew your belief in your product /s‎ervice, as well as your ability to add value.

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