Thursday, 12 November 2015


It is with great excitement and fervent glee that I write this week's State of The Nation article. 

The reason for my gleeful optimism is threefold.

1. Nigeria finally has a cabinet of ministers with actual portfolios!!!

2. A genuine consensus for change is most apparent in their opening remarks to various parastatals. 

3. Fashola is in charge of three vitally important ministries.

Let's begin with Fashola.

I may be incredibly naive and way too confident in this man's ability to perform, but the mere fact that he's been tasked with resolving our nation's systemic power failures is not only a great relief, but also makes me believe that a much much brighter future lies ahead - not only for the Power sector but as a consequence small and medium sized businesses, national productivity, and improved health for all. 

Doubting the basis of my optimism? 

Simply look at the transformation of Lagos State during his eight year tenure - Roads, Security, Transportation, Commerce, Beautification of previous eye-soars - the list goes on and on. 

I recall having to go to Ikorodu Town earlier this year on a mystery shopping assignment for one of my clients. I hadn't been there for yonks; indeed the last time I went to Ikorodu Town was during the initial stages of chasing a most delectable and pleasant ex girlfriend whose parents have a gorgeous house there - over a decade ago!!

I kept postponing my trip because of my dread of the traffic and horrendously awful roads. 

Boy was I pleasantly shocked when I finally went?!! 

The roads were absolutely amazing - so smooth, so well planned; bus stops also well planned - almost as though one was in a developing country (not quite the level of 'developed' yet but I have no doubt we'll get there sooner rather than later). 

If this ardent professional can achieve even half of what he achieved in Lagos then Nigeria is in for a treat. 

One more thing on Mr. Fash - is he being groomed to be the next President of Nigeria (2023)? It certainly seems that way to me. What better way is there to prepare someone for governing a nation than to give him three crucial and very complex portfolios to manage?!!

Sir, I will remember you every day in my prayers. I have no doubt that God is with you, and that you shall most certainly take Works, Housing, and Power to unimaginable heights of excellence and progress.

Judging from the statements made by several ministers to their parastatals, there seems to be a general consensus that;

1. PMB has made it very clear he wants quick, effective,  and lasting positive results.

2. We have a Cabinet that is focussed on positively changing this nation.

So yes, though things are still extremely rough and tough for the majority of us, I'm excited by what I see. 

At the beginning of this year I felt a strong desire to play my own part in changing this country by stirring up your desire to vote for a new and better Nigeria; to oust a corrupt and incompetent regime in favour of a regime of discipline and vision. Now that we have a fully fledged administion in place it's time for me to focus my attention on my two passions - Sales and Purpose. 

Hence, unless something happens that particularly irks me, there will be fewer political/economic articles going forward. Friday's articles will mostly be on Purpose from January 2016. Until then, who knows which way these winds may blow.

And as for the current State of Our Nation?

Hopeful. Very Very Hopeful.

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