During a wonderful few minutes of worship at a church service a month or so ago, the following words flowed into my heart;
"Trust In My Sovereignty and My Unconditional Love."
At first I related to it as God's way of telling me to stop worrying about everything, and simply trust in Him.
But I've come to realise that those words mean so much more.
Let's begin with Forgiveness
The bible tells us that "He That Is Forgiven Much, Loves Much."
Luke 7 vs 47
There's a reason why those that fully understand, receive, and accept the message of Grace - the Gospel - are so much happier than the rest of us (yep - me included. I'm still learning day by day, and have a long way to go. Lol).
They recognise just how much God has forgiven them!!
They recognise how much God loves them - so unconditionally; and because of this, they are able to love God and all around them so much more freely and genuinely.
Indeed it seems that even Satan knows how much God loves us better than we do.
When God spoke to him about Job, he replied "....but you have put a hedge around Him".
If God could love Job so much under the old covenant that He put a hedge of protection around him, how much more do you think he'll love and protect you under the new covenant?!
Remember - Jesus has done all the necessary work for your righteousness. When God looks at you, He sees his son Jesus - because you are 'In Christ Jesus'.
The bible also tells us that 'He who started the work will complete it'.
That journey that you began when you gave your life to Christ, will be completed - not by your works but by the Grace of God. In other words not by you but by God himself.
Nothing can happen without His allowing it; and all things work together for good for those who love Him. He was aware of every one of your mistakes and failings, even before you were born.
Not only does He love you, inspite of your mistakes and failings, but He will complete his work in you.
Grace is far more powerful than the law and sin. It is also a lot more powerful and effective than our efforts. Remember - He Who Is Forgiven Much Loves Much.
Isn't it strange how the more we are forgiven the more we want to do better - not to earn points or His love; but as a result of 'forgiveness' reassuring our security in His love, thereby giving us a genuine and free-willed desire to do good.
Finally, Jesus also tells us that every commandment in the bible is summed up in these two commands;
"Love God with all your heart......
"Love your neighbour likewise"
Do you really think that we humans are capable of loving with all our hearts and minds??
Neither do I.
That is why Christ did it for us. Because He loves us with all His heart, all His Strength, and all His mind, he died for us.
It is the recognition and acceptance of how much God has forgiven us for, and how unconditionally he loves us that enables us to love.
Focus less on the dos' and don'ts.
Fix your eyes on His unconditional love.
By focusing on how much you are unconditionally loved, the dos' and don'ts are easily overcome.
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