Monday, 30 November 2015

How To Overcome A Sales Funk

You haven't sealed a deal for several months. Previously optimistic prospects are telling you there's nothing they can do for now; and your sales pipeline is more or less non existent. In-fact you just can't seem to even buy a sale.

You're in the dreaded Sales Funk.

Ask any successful salesman /woman what he or she strives on and they'll tell you it's 'Confidence' - in who they are, what's they're doing, what they're selling, and their ability to add value.

The first thing to disappear during a Sales Funk is confidence. You need to get your confidence back asap.


1. Sales is extremely psychological - for prospects, clients, and the seller.
‎Mentally revisit previous Sales Successes - how you achieved them, and how you felt. This will do two things;

A. Remind you that you are indeed a good salesman / woman.

B. Remind you of strategies that work, as well as enable you to come up with new or refined ones.

2. Visit clients to ask them how they're doing, as well as how the product / service you sold them is doing. Then simply listen to them.This will renew your belief in your product /s‎ervice, as well as your ability to add value.

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

How To Get Quick Sales

There are two key reasons why you should always focus on doing your very best to exceed customers expectations. 

1. When you exceed expectations by adding even more value than your prospects / customers expect, it ensures a business relationship built to last, as against a hit and run that has no real substance.

2. By exceeding expectations you earn the right and confidence to ask your customers for referrals. Referrals are the easiest and surest way of getting new business. 

Remember - it's not just about the sale. It's so much more than that. It's about building lasting, value adding relationships. This is why Sales is and will always be the first line of Customer Service.

Referrals are vital; especially during this challenging economic period. 

Don't just satisfy your customers. 

Wow them. 

Monday, 23 November 2015

Sales and Dating

Let's look at another similarity between Sales and Dating.

When you meet someone you're attracted to, despite an initial excitement there is usually a trial period wherein you assess the other party's characteristics, in order ascertain whether or not you're a good match. 

It's usually after the initial excitement that two parties get to really know each other; once the pressure of you like me /I like you is out of the way.

Similar fashion -  in business / sales most prospects are looking for someone that doesn't threaten them in any way; that they feel at ease with; that they can trust. 

What keeps prospects constantly on a nervous edge is the thought that you are about to ask them to spend money.

The best way to remove their suspicion is to visit them every now and again and discuss anything other than business - politics, economics, football, tennis, Nigeria, the world and her dog. Anything at all. Just not business!

It is during such conversations that the few remaining walls of suspicion are levelled to the ground, as friendship and trust grows.

And there is no better time in the year to do that than now.

SexHarassment Seminar In Pictures

Sexual Harassment in Sales: Is the Nigerian Sales / Business Environment Conducive For Female Professionals? The panel moderator, Uju is the Managing Director of Chapel Hill Denham Management Limited, is an experienced Investment Management professional with over 20 years in Personal Banking and Wealth Management gained from managing clients in some of Nigeria's leading commercial banks, Discount House and Independent Investment Banking Firms such as FBN Capital and Standard Chartered Bank Limited.

She holds a Bachelor of Arts (English and Literature) degree from the University of Benin and an MBA from the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile- ife. She is also a Member of the institute of Directors (IoD).

A Financial Planning expert, she is a highly sought after Conference speaker with a dedicated Personal Wealth Column in This Day Newspapers, Nigeria

Thursday, 19 November 2015

I Feel Like Crying

I've shed tears at some point during every day of this week. 

Today I cry for 15 more innocent lives in Yola; lost to the evil menace that is Boko Haram. As I do so I'm reminded of the thousands of lives that have been mercilessly cut short in the name of religion. 

Is it really religion? 

Or is it merely a mixture of angst, resentment, hopelessness, and a selfish lust for power and relevance disguised in the name of religion??

Can one man justly kill another in the name of God? For what exactly? 

I cry for the 129 lives that were cruelly snatched from their families; parents mourning their children; loved ones inconsolable as the bitter reality of life without their better half dawns on them. 

And let's not forget the 224 lives decimated by last week's horrific airline explosion. 

I cry tears of fearful concern regarding the likely increase of fascist voices within Europe - calling for a closure of borders and encouraging all around them to look upon foreigners with suspicion and disdain; precisely what the terrorists want - mutual suspicion, fragmentation,bewilderment, hatred, and fear. 

My tears free fall as I wonder how on earth we can ever defeat an ideology so blinded by evil that it shamelessly spouts the absurd notion that the reward for taking another man's life is the warm embrace of 70 virgins in the afterlife. 

Serving the interests of God or Satan???

Boy would I love to see the look on their faces when they get to whatever their afterlife is and realise their reward is something not only completely different but altogether undesirable.

I cry also for the mess we humans have made of this our planet earth. We had everything. We still have everything. But we continue to destroy it - bit by it, chunk by chunk,limb by limb,  life by life. 

And don't you dare blame God!

He gave us free will - the choice to choose whether to do good or bad. Would you rather your son /daughter loves you as a result of his or her desire to do so, or because he or she is forced to??

Too many of us have chosen bad - war over peace; money and power over love; cheating and stealing over service; evil over good. 

Mankind's depraved hunger was taken to new and incredible heights by Nigeria's former NSA chief, who syphoned millions of dollars that were supposed to fight Boko Haram; and as result indirectly caused the death of thousands of innocent men, women, and children. 

But is he more evil than nations and leaders who act in their selfish interests of oil and arms?

I recently heard the sad story of a man and woman at war over the custody of their five year old son. The man relates that he and his ex wife were so focussed on their bitter and frenzied thirst for revenge that they lost sight of the importance of the well-being of their child. It took a frightening dream in which the child completely disappeared as he and his ex continued their bitter duel for the man to realise he had lost focus on what really matters; not him, not his ex, but their five year old son. He swallowed his pride, and allowed his ex to have her way - for the sake of their son's wellbeing. 

I judge no-one. We are all at fault. 

But amongst my tears of anguish and grief are tears of hope. For where there is love there is hope.

Perfect Love Casts Out Fear. There is love in us all. 

We just need to let go and allow it to roam freely within us. 


By recognising what is important.

Life, not money

Peace, not war

Humility, not pride

Forgiveness, not angst and bitterness

Unity, not segregation

Selflessness, not 'me'

Service, not fame and power

Selfless Love, not self interest. 

The media has a part to play.

Every Faith has a part to play. 

Governments have a part to play.

But it begins with you and I.

Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Sexual Harassment: Is the Nigerian Sales / Business Environment Conducive For Female Professionals?

A forum for discussions with professional women providing them a platform to interact and share their experiences, survival tactics in a very demanding world and to provide support for vulnerable professional ladies.

Our vision is to champion the cause of all people who may be going through this challenge in order to increase awareness and reduce the prevalence of sexual harassment in the society.

The objectives of the session are to:
  • Identify solutions as to how women can avoid such scenarios
  • Find out whether some institutions actually encourage sex for reward
  • Enable women understand that they are equal with men and have the same rights
  • Encourage women to speak up and get this topic addressed conclusively

The event will feature:
  • Panel Discussions
  • Shared Experiences 
  • A theatrical piece
  • Networking opportunities for attendees

Date: Friday, November 20, 2015

For more information:
Phone: +234 1 4535541 / +234 703 669 5005

Thursday, 12 November 2015


It is with great excitement and fervent glee that I write this week's State of The Nation article. 

The reason for my gleeful optimism is threefold.

1. Nigeria finally has a cabinet of ministers with actual portfolios!!!

2. A genuine consensus for change is most apparent in their opening remarks to various parastatals. 

3. Fashola is in charge of three vitally important ministries.

Let's begin with Fashola.

I may be incredibly naive and way too confident in this man's ability to perform, but the mere fact that he's been tasked with resolving our nation's systemic power failures is not only a great relief, but also makes me believe that a much much brighter future lies ahead - not only for the Power sector but as a consequence small and medium sized businesses, national productivity, and improved health for all. 

Doubting the basis of my optimism? 

Simply look at the transformation of Lagos State during his eight year tenure - Roads, Security, Transportation, Commerce, Beautification of previous eye-soars - the list goes on and on. 

I recall having to go to Ikorodu Town earlier this year on a mystery shopping assignment for one of my clients. I hadn't been there for yonks; indeed the last time I went to Ikorodu Town was during the initial stages of chasing a most delectable and pleasant ex girlfriend whose parents have a gorgeous house there - over a decade ago!!

I kept postponing my trip because of my dread of the traffic and horrendously awful roads. 

Boy was I pleasantly shocked when I finally went?!! 

The roads were absolutely amazing - so smooth, so well planned; bus stops also well planned - almost as though one was in a developing country (not quite the level of 'developed' yet but I have no doubt we'll get there sooner rather than later). 

If this ardent professional can achieve even half of what he achieved in Lagos then Nigeria is in for a treat. 

One more thing on Mr. Fash - is he being groomed to be the next President of Nigeria (2023)? It certainly seems that way to me. What better way is there to prepare someone for governing a nation than to give him three crucial and very complex portfolios to manage?!!

Sir, I will remember you every day in my prayers. I have no doubt that God is with you, and that you shall most certainly take Works, Housing, and Power to unimaginable heights of excellence and progress.

Judging from the statements made by several ministers to their parastatals, there seems to be a general consensus that;

1. PMB has made it very clear he wants quick, effective,  and lasting positive results.

2. We have a Cabinet that is focussed on positively changing this nation.

So yes, though things are still extremely rough and tough for the majority of us, I'm excited by what I see. 

At the beginning of this year I felt a strong desire to play my own part in changing this country by stirring up your desire to vote for a new and better Nigeria; to oust a corrupt and incompetent regime in favour of a regime of discipline and vision. Now that we have a fully fledged administion in place it's time for me to focus my attention on my two passions - Sales and Purpose. 

Hence, unless something happens that particularly irks me, there will be fewer political/economic articles going forward. Friday's articles will mostly be on Purpose from January 2016. Until then, who knows which way these winds may blow.

And as for the current State of Our Nation?

Hopeful. Very Very Hopeful.

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

The 'Sale' Is Sealed In The Rapport/Relationship

Too many sales people think that sales is some sort of formula - arrive at meeting, spend a couple of minutes chit-chatting about stuff nobody cares about, present/make your pitch, then seal.

How's that been working for you?

Probably not too well.

The reality is that the Sealing of deals/transactions is cemented in the building of rapport/relationship. 

"The worst fault a salesman can commit is to be a bore. Foster any attempt to talk about other things; the longer you stay the better you get to know the prospect, and the more you will be trusted."

David Ogilvy, The Legendary Advertising Executive

Monday, 9 November 2015

More Passion Leads To More Sales

One of the first questions I ask delegates in my Sales Training / Coaching classes is, "Do you like what you do?"

This is a question that every sales person should ask him/herself.


Because to be successful in sales you need to love sales - to be passionate about it - excited by it - driven by it. A luke-warm or casual attitude towards sales won't get you very far.

The most successful sales people are passionate about what they do and what they're selling.

"I have the confidence and the passion. People see that, and they know it is real."

Ron Popeil, Founder, The Ronco

Thursday, 5 November 2015

A Wasted Year?

As we approach the end of 2015, - corporate and personal bank balances hovering just above zero, exchange rates gleefully waving two fingers at us as they spiral into the abyss, job losses becoming the norm, food prices increasing daily with gay abandon, ministers larking around without portfolio, and not a hint of any kind of economic policy or direction in sight, the question 'Has this been a wasted year?'comes to mind. 

Actually in truth that question has been hankering away at my subconscious for many weeks now, as one tries to rustle up the remaining residue of optimism to make plans for 2016. 
All that remains is for us to tell each other that "It Will Be Better Next Year. Horaaaaaay!!"

But will it? 

Will it really be better next year? 

How so? 

Based on what exactly?

Crude oil price will most likely fall to around US$30 per barrel; major corporations are all too likely to retrench extensively; the exchange rate will continue to kick us where the sun don't shine; and the economy will contract further before anything else. So why exactly will next year be better???

But let's get back to the matter at hand - 2015. 

I asked a cross section of people whether 2015 has been a wasted year. Here's what they had to say.

"Economy is shit. Our markets have been in the pits since the start of the year. Ministers still have no portfolios. It's as though it's been a whole year of campaigning. "

"We're coming from a situation wherein a country has been fully depleted of its resources. There needs to be a basis of something to build on."

"Not at all. Its been a good year in terms of dismantling and building proper institutions. But Nigerians should learn to face reality; these are bitter pills to swallow, and there are no quick fixes. 2016 is going to be tougher, but surviving will be the equivalent of winning next year. But rest assured after the storm will be 2017, the year of recovery and growth".

" has been a slow year, but good nonetheless."

"I think it has. With the number of months we've gone without ministers a lot of things have stalled. It's ridiculous that we still don't know which ministers are responsible for what. Hopefully once the ministers get their portfolios things will pick up again. Too many things have been put on hold. There's too much uncertainty. It's almost like we're stuck in a never-ending show that should have ended after thirty minutes."

"We had historic elections; a wretched government got removed from office. At least we can count that as something."

"It feels that way. I'm just hoping that something is being done that we are not seeing."

"I wouldn't say so. Some good things have happened, such as successful elections. But people are still dying because of Boko Haram. There's hope sha. With the new ministers the economy will hopefully improve."

"I don't think it's been a wasted year. Financially definitely. I think we could have hit reality, and from now on we will build on proper and firm foundations, as against building on a false economy. In terms of how much money families have made, I can understand why many individuals would think it's been a wasted year."

In my opinion it's been a brutally tough year. I can't recall such a year as this - wherein the economy and business as we know it have literally come to a stand still. And let's stop telling ourselves that next year will be better. It could be - but not in the way we're thinking. 

The economy won't suddenly be buzzing again, business will not suddenly be free flowing, and you won't once again be able to send your kids to the most expensive schools at the slightest whim.

A levelling is taking place. It's time for us all to admit that reality and adjust our thinking accordingly. 

My advice for you and me?

1. Accept and embrace the reality that PMB's focus is on the following;

A. Plug every hole of corruption

B. Implement a system that is fair to all

C. Build a new Nigeria on the principles of Social Welfare

D. Education, Housing, and Healthcare

Then ask yourself how you can help him achieve his goals. 

By so doing you will not only help him achieve his goals but also derive immense fulfilment from playing your part in the building of a new Nigeria. Then, and only then is it possible that next year could be better. 

Buhari's focus is not you and me. His focus is on enabling those who have never had a chance or a say to make something of themselves - to be educated and to strive to be better. 

The question you should be asking yourself is;

"In What Way Can I Help?"

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