Tuesday, 17 May 2016


Kindly allow me to tell you an interesting story this morning.

There was a young lady with an incredible imagination; an amazing capacity to take her on adventures to worlds unseen; worlds that most of us would never even dare dream of. An imagination so vivid it was able to conjure up all manner of creatures and beings - lands so exciting in both horror and fantasy that she simply couldn't keep such excitement and awe to herself. So she decided to share it with us by putting it all in writing - in a novel.
After completing this novel she tried and tried to find someone that would invest in her novel. But simply couldn't find anyone remotely interested - such a shame. Not only had she revealed the intricate nether regions of her mind, but she had poured out every ounce of her heart, soul and energy as she painstakingly wrote the book over several exhausting weeks.

She sent her manuscripts to dozens of publishers, and dozens of publishers turned her down. One can only imagine the heartache, anguish and thousands of moments of self doubt she must have endured. 

But she never gave up her search. She continued to believe in her masterpiece. Giving in to those voices telling her she was a failure and had not only wasted her time in writing the novel but was now wasting even more time trying to find someone that would like her book was never an option.

She kept pushing; believing in her masterpiece.

Eventually she found a publisher for her book. The book not only became a best seller - proving to be the masterpiece she had always believed it was, but it was followed by several even more successful volumes. Furthermore it was turned into one of the most successful series of films the world has ever known.
Who is this amazing lady that never gave up?
Her name is J.K Rowling, author of the Harry Potter Novels.
She believed in herself and never ever gave up.
Yes, things are extremely tough right now, but keep going. Believe in yourself, and never ever give up. 

You were born to succeed.

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