We begin with a question this morning.
For you ladies - if you had to choose between the most amazingly handsome fellow with whom you have great sexual chemistry but very little else in common, and an average looking chap with whom the chemistry is okay but nothing to write home about, but with whom you have the most authentic and genuine friendship and trust, which would you choose?
And for you gentleman, let's say you have to choose between the most physically gorgeous lady you've ever set your eyes on but with whom your conversations bear too close a resemblance to watching paint dry, and a more average looking lady with whom you can never stop chatting and laughing, which would it be?
It's fairly safe to say that in both cases the friendship would most likely win the day.
Because the reality is looks don't last forever, but friendships can, and often do. When the going gets tough, it will be friendship, laughter and trust that get you through it.
The same is true of business relationships. When times are tough it is genuine relationships that keep things going.
Keep your focus on Building Relationships, and so long as you have a product / service that adds value, the sales will keep coming.
The process goes like this;
1. Similar to leads to 'Like'
2. Like leads to 'Trust'
3. Trust leads to 'Business'
We began with a question today, and so we conclude with a question.
You are about to close a deal with a prospect. Do you close the deal asap and move on? Or do you build more rapport first before closing the deal?
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