Monday, 9 March 2015

Targets Are A Part Of Everyday Life


As Promised, this week we will be focusing on that dreaded phrase - 'Meeting Targets'.

We will look at the following;

1. Overcoming The Psychological Trauma That Comes With The Word 'Target'

2. Dealing With Unrealistic Targets

3. Setting Realistic Targets

4. How To Meet Your Targets

The word 'Target' has become such a psychologically terrifying word to so many sales people that no sooner do they hear it and they instantly more or less shut down all barriers. In other words not only do they fear not meeting them, but they also believe the targets are impossible to meet. For the most part the battle is lost before it even begins.

But the fact is we set ourselves targets throughout our lives.

Targets to;

- get married

- have children

- build / buy a house

- start a business

- schools for our children

The list is endless. Our lives are a continuous set of targets.

Therefore setting or being given targets for Sales / Revenue shouldn't be such an anathema to you.

Targets aren't so awful. They're a natural and necessary part of every day life.

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