Friday, 18 March 2016

Do They Really Care About Us?

fuel scarcity

Asked if the unions were not concerned about the effect of the strike on the already bad state of fuel supply across the country, Comrade Saleh Abdullahi replied, "The fuel scarcity problem has been there before we embarked on this strike, we did not cause it. However, we know this strike will increase it; that's the only way to let the government know that we are not comfortable with the unbundling or restructuring that it has done at the NNPC."

The above quote sums up the reason Nigeria continues to stumble in the dark.

Who's stumbling?

The administration is stumbling for one, and we the people are most definitely stumbling.

And the reason for our incessant stumbling? - lack of communication.

But before we address yet another administration's inability to carry the electorate along, let's examine Abdullahi's statement for a few seconds.

Six words sum up the attitude of Abdullahi and his union colleagues - ' Couldn't Care Less About The People'. For if the union cared about the plight of the people they wouldn't have downed tools overnight. Rather, they would have considered the inconvenience such a radical decision would have on the people. A people already traumatised with a gruesomely harsh economic terrain; a people struggling to cope with zero electricity, and in many areas zero water.

Abdullahi's statement resonates with a question that continues to ring louder and louder in my head;

'Do any of these guys actually care about the plight of the people?'

In nations wherein governing bodies genuinely care about the people, the relevant body / union would issue a strike warning. If the government doesn't heed the strike warning the body / union will then inform the government and the people of the date it intends to commence its' strike.
The aim of this is two-fold;

1. To allow time and chance for a mutually beneficial agreement.


2. To enable the people to prepare for the possible eventuality of a strike.

In Nigeria we simply decide to strike with immediate effect; thereby demonstrating a lack of care or concern for the people; and an abject failure to even desire to communicate.

And Now For The Government
The root of this administration's problem is a failure to carry the people along. Not only is this disdainful but it  borders on foolishness. Once again I feel it's important to point out that I voted for this administration; hence I have nothing personal against it. I was sold on its promise of 'change'. But as yet, all one sees is the same old problems - no light, no water for many,very little security, a distressed economy, and never-ending petrol queues on every road.

Quick question - if pipelines continue to get vandalised, as seems to be the case for the past couple of decades‎, how come nobody ever gets caught?

Okay so the petrol queues have died down during the past couple of days, but one senses it's only a matter of time before they rear their ugly heads again.

A friend warned me last year that 2016 would be a very tough year. Most of us knew it would be, but we didn't expect to be treated with such disdain.

A government's failure to even desire to carry its' people along can only mean one thing - Scorn.

So you want to restructure the NNPC;

1. Explain your reasons to the relevant bodies

2. Tell them (the relevant bodies) what the end game is

3. Ask them for their buy-in - taking their concerns into consideration

4. Ensure you stick to your vision and plan but be practical;and carry the relevant bodies along.
With communication there's always a way.

5. Phase the changes in order to avoid unnecessary shock effects. If you want to drastically change things, either make sure there are reliable alternatives, or ensure there is at least a semblance of the necessary infrastructure on ground to cushion the effects.

If your intended actions are likely to upset people or cause major inconvenience then you need to carry everyone along by further explaining your vision and your Very Positive End Game. And keep your language simple. Don't use words or terms that will either fly over people's heads or simply loose their interest.

People will always be willing to swallow a little pain so long as they know there's a proper plan, and a promised land of milk and honey.

But what we're currently witnessing is seemingly unending suffering with no real understanding of why; and we remain completely clueless as to where we're heading. Here's an idea - paint a picture of what Nigeria could be like in three year's time for us.

Let's be honest - restructuring the NNPC is a good idea. But first of all phase it; then explain your plans to the people, and as you do so take care to listen to their grievances. By listening to our grievances and telling us you're sorry for the pain we're experiencing you are far more likely to get us on side. But ensure your 'sorry' is backed up with some positive action.


  1. This blithe failure to carry the public appears to be flippant, a casual pre-supposition that the people, their needs and their struggles are irrelevant. A presidential term is 4 years in power, not 4 years of service.

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