In the most acute of shocks, and the grimmest of all horrors I looked on as that Republican candidate - what's his name again? Donald something or other I think (the fact that he's loaded doesn't mean one automatically remembers his name) - anyway I watched on pain of torture as that Donald something or other openly told the world that as president he would ban Muslims from entering the US.
Is this guy for real? So it's now okay for so called leaders of the free world to openly display hatred and animosity towards certain ethnic groups and faiths? Is this what the world has come to? Has Hitler been reborn? Am I dreaming? - just a few of the questions that plagued my mind as I gawped with eyes and mouth wide open.
But this morning I feel elated. For not only is Donald whatever's desire nigh impossible to implement, but the idiot has played right into the hands of the Democrats; making it so much easier for the colossus that is Hilary Clinton to waltz into her destiny - First Female President of The United States of America. I look forward to her swearing in; and I thank Donald whatever his name is for making her journey to the White House that much easier.
There are two other reasons for my oh-so very happy feeling.
1. Arsenal!!!
What a come-back!! Admittedly I didn't watch the match, as I've discovered during the past year or so that when I don't watch my beloved Arsenal they tend to win - 90% of the time anyway. So as my older brother watched his beloved Chelsea in his sitting room on a cold winter's night I watched Marvel's Agents of Shield season 2 in the family room. But I couldn't help venturing into the sitting room every 10 minutes or so to not only check the Chelsea score but more importantly assess his mood. Such a loving brother is he that he wanted Arsenal to win as much as I did. The big grin on his face every time I sauntered in enabled me to enjoy Marvel's Agents of Shield so much more.
Three nil to the Arsenal. An awesome night.
And finally - do I really need to say this one???
It's been Three Years! Waiting for Three Whole Years!!!
Three years of desperately trawling the Internet for previews, rumours, gossip, and even the faintest of plot summaries.
Three years of longing for the release of what is for me without doubt the most eagerly anticipated movie all time.
Now fairly familiar with the Knights of Ren, like every other star wars junkie I'm still wondering why Luke Skywalker hasn't featured in any of the trailers. Could he possibly be the founder / head of the Knights of Ren? Or head of the new (First) order maybe?
18th December means just one thing - The Force Awakens.
Thank God for Star Wars
Thank God for the Arsenal
And thank God for that Donald whatever his name is.
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