You've just made a fantastic presentation. Your delivery was flawless, and you effectively conveyed to the prospective client the ways in which you can add value.
But prospect replies;
"This is all very good. But in truth we already have a company providing us with this service. And there are three other companies also offering to provide the same service for a lower fee."
Recognise this scenario?
Many of us have experienced this.
What's the solution?
You could persist - keep pushing and pushing in the hope that more companies than not will take your service. But the reality is that doing such is more akin to playing Russian Roulette.
Better to go back to the drawing board.
1. Assess your service / product, and what it really brings to the table
2. Assess those of your competitors' in the same manner
3. Assess the strengths and weakness of your product / service
4. Assess those of your competitors in the same manner
5. Assess the challenges and needs of your target market again.
Doing this will enable you to find out your product's / service's own unique strengths.
Identifying your product's / service’s unique strengths enables you to identify your Unique Selling Points. Once you do so, build on it.
This is the most effective way in which to set yourself apart from the rest, thereby making your products / services far more attractive to your target market.
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