Monday, 1 June 2015

Research And Preparation Increases Sales

This week we'll be looking at how to handle / avoid challenges that can occur during the sales process - particularly;

1. Difficult Meetings

2. An angry recipient of a Cold Call

3. Prospects / Clients that like to party

4. Unwanted Attention

Difficult Meetings

Many many years ago one of our directors told me of a rather funny experience. Not that he found it particularly funny at the time, but at least we could laugh about it afterwards. 

He had gone to meet with a prospective client in order to make a presentation - featuring our new data terminal for African Capital Markets. Once they got the initial pleasantries out of the way he commenced his presentation. After about one minute the prospect interrupted, asking; "Do you have data for Ivory Coast?"

"Er, not on here. But I can show you what we have on Nigeria," replied our director. To his shock and horror the prospect's reply wasn't so pleasant.

"Why Are You Wasting My Time?" he asked slowly and ever so bluntly.

As I'm sure you can well imagine that was pretty much the end of the meeting.

So what went wrong?

Two Things

1. He didn't do his homework thoroughly with regards to what the prospect would be most interested in - ie Ivory Coast Data.  

Do your research, and Prepare Prepare Prepare

2. The prospect requested for Ivory Coast, only to be offered Nigeria. This probably irritated him even more.

Give Prospects / Clients what they ask for. Don't offer them alternatives that they most likely won't be interested in. 

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