"It was not through the law that Abraham and his offspring received the promise that he would be heir of the world, but through the righteousness that comes by faith."
Romans 4 vs 13
What does the use of the word 'law' imply?
It implies our ability / inability to obey God's commandments - to live a 'holy' life.
Do you really think that we are of our own vollition and power able to live a 'holy' life?
Of-course we can't; and this is why Christ did all the work / obedience for us. It is only Christ's finished works that makes us holy; not our obedience or performance.
2. What is this Faith?
Unfortunately we have turned the word 'Faith' into another avenue in which to focus on ourselves - on our ability to obey God; thereby making it all about 'us' - 'me me me' again.
But the 'Faith' the Bible is referring to is a 'Belief that through Jesus' Finished works on the cross We Are God's Righteousness'.
The biggest obstacle to our Walk / Relationship with God is our inability to accept God's Unconditional Love for us. His Unconditional Love for You and I is based not on how well we perform but on how well Jesus Performed.
What did Jesus do for us?
He left His Father's household and went to the land (earth) His father directed Him to go - to save us by dying for All our sins.
The Lord has made His name great, and He is indeed a Blessing. All people on earth are blessed through Him.
Recognise the above words?
They are from Genesis 12 verses 1 - 3.
Just as God's test of Abraham in asking him to sacrifice his son is a reflection / shadow of what Jesus did for us, Genesis 12 verses 1 - 3 are also a reflection / shadow of what Jesus did for us.
It is All about Jesus - not you or I.
Many years ago the Lord told me that the Great Revival that is to come is 'Love'. Until recently I always thought the Love he was talking about was regarding our ability to love one another. But yesterday morning he revealed to me what he really meant, saying;
"The Love I talk about is My Love For You. Revival Will Come when you fully Accept and Embrace my Unconditional and Unfailing Love for you."
This was definitely one of those 'boom' moments.
Trying to earn God's Love through 'Righteous Performance' results in;
- anxiety
- doubts
- worry
- guilt
- frustration
- lack of joy
Altogether leading to a somewhat strained / distant relationship with God, and less ability to Love one another.
Accepting and Embracing the Truth that we are Righteous through Jesus Christ, and Unconditionally Loved by God brings;
- Peace of Mind
- Joy
- Security
- Freedom From Fear
- Love
- Laughter
- Fun
- Good Health
- A Forgiving Heart
Altogether ensuring a Close, Joyful, and Fruitful Relationship with God, and thereby enabling us to Genuinely Love Another.
You are Already Beloved and Blessed through Jesus Christ.
You are Already Abraham's offspring, and therefore a Worthy recipient of God's Promise.
Stop Fretting.
Jesus Makes You Worthy.
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