There were a good number of 'Yes's' yesterday, so as promised I will give you an inkling of the Spiritual Element to Self Worth. When we talk about a Spiritual Element in this regard we are not talking religion.
The first Product that a Customer buys is you; Your Sense of Self Worth determines how they Perceive, Receive, and VALUE You.
The biggest factor / contributor to your Self Worth is actually 'Love', which stems from two sides - God's Unconditional Love for you, and your Love For Yourself. In truth both sides stem from the same source - God's Unconditional Love for you.
Today I want to share with you a verse that I have been meditating on for a month or so, and which has really BLESSED me. This verse will give you the Courage and Confidence to Succeed and Soar High.
"For as the heavens are high above the earth, so great is His Mercy / Love toward those who love Him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us."
Psalm 103 vs 10 - 12
It's all about what you believe. If you believe that God Loves You Unconditionally no matter what, and that you're forever Special in His Eyes, then you'll have that Huge Extra Self Confidence and Freedom to Approach Anyone, and Achieve Anything and Everything.
Never Underestimate the Importance of What You Believe.
These are the KEYS to your Consistent Success
1. Total Confidence in and Acceptance of God's Unconditional Love For You
2. Total Love and Confidence In and Acceptance of Who You Are
3. Total Confidence In How You Can Add Value to People and Companies
By Walking / Working Daily In The Sure Knowledge of The Above, You'll Be Unstoppable.
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