"The Gift Followed Many Trespasses and Brought Justification."
Romans 5 vs 17
Your greatest Gift is the Righteousness and Unconditional Love of God.
The bible says that this Gift followed Many Trespasses. In other words this wonderful Gift of Righteousness and God's Unconditional Love isn't a reward for good behaviour. It is the result of Christ's finished works.
In-fact to buttress this point, and in stark recognition that we are incapable of earning our Righteousness, the bible goes on to say in Romans 4 verse 5;
"However, to the one who does not work, but trusts God who justifies the ungodly, their faith is credited as righteousness."
Who does he justify?
He justifies the ungodly.
Despite our many trespasses we are blessed with a Gift of Righteousness through the finished works of Jesus Christ.
Can Christ's works be undone?
Is a Gift earned?
Can a Gift be taken back?
This is why Jesus said 'Come to me, for my yoke is light.'
His yoke is light because He has already done all the work.
Ours is to rest and remain secure in our Righteousness through Him, and in His Unconditional Love.
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