Sunday, 31 May 2015

Jesus Makes You Worthy

"It was not through the law that Abraham and his offspring received the promise that he would be heir of the world, but through the righteousness that comes by faith."

Romans 4 vs 13 

What does the use of the word 'law' imply?

It implies our ability / inability to obey God's commandments - to live a 'holy' life.

Do you really think that we are of our own vollition and power able to live a 'holy' life? 

Of-course we can't; and this is why Christ did all the work / obedience for us. It is only Christ's finished works that makes us holy; not our obedience or performance. 

2. What is this Faith? 
Unfortunately we have turned the word 'Faith' into another avenue in which to focus on ourselves - on our ability to obey God; thereby making it all about 'us' - 'me me me' again. 

But the 'Faith' the Bible is referring to is a 'Belief that through Jesus' Finished works on the cross We Are God's Righteousness'. 

The biggest obstacle to our Walk / Relationship with God is our inability to accept God's Unconditional Love for us. His Unconditional Love for You and I is based not on how well we perform but on how well Jesus Performed. 

What did Jesus do for us?

He left His Father's household and went to the land (earth) His father directed Him to go - to save us by dying for All our sins. 

The Lord has made His name great, and He is indeed a Blessing. All people on earth are blessed through Him. 

Recognise the above words? 

They are from Genesis 12 verses 1 - 3. 

Just as God's test of Abraham in asking him to sacrifice his son is a reflection / shadow of what Jesus did for us, Genesis 12 verses 1 - 3 are also a reflection / shadow of what Jesus did for us. 

It is All about Jesus - not you or I. 

Many years ago the Lord told me that the Great Revival that is to come is 'Love'. Until recently I always thought the Love he was talking about was regarding our ability to love one another. But yesterday morning he revealed to me what he really meant, saying;

"The Love I talk about is My Love For You. Revival Will Come when you fully Accept and Embrace my Unconditional and Unfailing Love for you."

This was definitely one of those 'boom' moments.

Trying to earn God's Love through 'Righteous Performance' results in;

- anxiety
- doubts
- worry
- guilt
- frustration
- lack of joy

Altogether leading to a somewhat strained / distant relationship with God, and less ability to Love one another. 

Accepting and Embracing the Truth that we are Righteous through Jesus Christ, and Unconditionally Loved by God brings;

- Peace of Mind
- Joy
- Security
- Freedom From Fear
- Love
- Laughter
- Fun
- Good Health‎
- A Forgiving Heart

Altogether ensuring a Close, Joyful, and Fruitful Relationship with God, and thereby enabling us to Genuinely Love Another.
You are Already Beloved and Blessed through Jesus Christ.


You are Already Abraham's offspring, and therefore a Worthy recipient of God's Promise.

Stop Fretting. 

Jesus Makes You Worthy. 

Friday, 29 May 2015

Quietly Optimistic


The temptation to write a rip-roaring article about our New Beginnings and what 'Nigeria Expects' during the next four years is unyielding. For today we witness something extra-ordinary; an incumbent African president handing over the reins of power to a credibly elected victor. 

An incumbent that served only one term!!!

Wonders will never cease.

But wait. 

Going any further without a little moan about the near complete breakdown of the nation's economy would be the mother of all injustices. Two weeks of no electricity and no petrol!! 

You know what?! One can almost tolerate that. After-all at least you get to go back to the sanctuary of your home and enjoy the TLC of you wife / husband / partner. And for those of us that are single we at least get to watch some football, or more recently French Open Tennis. But then 'no diesel' was added to the mix!! So bad was it that even those living in serviced apartments got a taste of what it's like to spend evenings in the dark. What a horrible two weeks it was. Everywhere I turned I saw the grim evidence of a nation in mere existence as opposed to living; no petrol, no light, no diesel, people half asleep as a result of little or no sleep during the previous night, dead phones, badly ironed shirts, exorbitant transport fees, diabolical food prices, and GSM networks no longer having to conjure up excuses for their generally awful services.

Flipping Fuel Subsidy!!  If I were the Incoming President I would banish Fuel subsidy once and for all within twenty four hours of my swearing in. 

Right, that's my moan out of the way. Back to the matter at hand. Ah yes - today's wonderful achievement. 

Yes yes I know South Africa has being doing it for years, and likewise Ghana. But let's be honest, the only reason South Africa is still vaguely standing (all be-it resembling a sumo wrestler in stilletoes) is because the white man reigned there for so long. It's a painful truth, but the truth none the less. 

As wonderful a nation as Ghana is, comparing it to Nigeria is simply a non starter. For a start the demographics are like chalk and cheese; not to talk of the comparative economic potentials. 

Nigeria, that rich slice of African pie which has always had the potential to dwarf the combined slices of the rest, has managed to do it all on her own. 

For this I say, "Thank you and well done President Jonathan." Although your government's inability to resolve the nation's gruesome experience of the past fortnight was a brutal demonstration of the wondrous ineptitude and incompetence that has governed these shores during the past six years. 

Let's move on swiftly. 

There's a picture that has been circulating Facebook during the past twenty four hours; that of our new president sitting in economy on his return flight from London to Abuja. 

My initial reaction was 'Fine, I fully understand where you're coming from Sir, but you're my President. I want to see you in First Class.'

Then I thought 'Why'?

Why should I respect someone more simply because he or she is flying First Class???

Indeed that is the kind of mindset that has turned our country completely upside down; a nation in which the respect or otherwise that anyone gives you is largely dependent on the size of your bank account.

A nation wherein the only recognised moral is the currency in your pocket. 

Greed, and the numerous other avarices that result from the lust of money have been ruling this land for years. So much so that it has eaten into every fibre of society - schools, churches, businesses, universities, relationships, and so much more. Every which way you turn money is talking, and money rules.

So if our new President is subtly telling us a  new era of Principles, Morals, Decency, Humility and Servitude is about to unfold, then I for one am quietly optimistic about Nigeria's future. 

So, no rip-roaring piece about how Nigeria is about to do amazing things. 

Let's cooperate. Let's be patient.  Let's support. And let's see how things pan out. 

Thursday, 28 May 2015

Selling An Unreliable Product

 So how does one sell an Unreliable Product?

There are two answers to this.

1. With great difficulty


2. You don't

Customers / Clients want reliability, and as such the quickest way to lose customers is via product or service inconsistency.

The only way to resolve this is to iron out all the deficiencies in order to present Prospects / Customers with a fail-proof product / service.

Once again, Communication is key. Let your management team know what prospects / clients / customers are saying about your product / service. By doing so your company has an excellent opportunity to address the issues / problems and turn things around.

In as much as it is only a matter of time before prospects / customers switch off altogether, an unreliable product may as well be no product at all.

Remember - Sales is the first line of Customer Service.

1. Rather than argue, make excuses, or try to manipulate, Listen to Prospects' / Customers misgivings about your company's product.

2. Convey your care and concern by assuring them that you will relay their concerns to management.

3. Relay the complaints to management and be a driving force for continuous improvement.

The two worst things you can do are;

1. Ignore the complaints and keep trying to convince people that everything is just dandy.


2. Assume that your managers won't listen to you. Trust me - somebody Will Listen.

Heads of organisations want people who are passionate about their company's success around them. Your determination to do everything possible to improve your company's product, thereby ensuring customers' / clients’ satisfaction amply demonstrates your passion for the company's success.

Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Overcoming A Negative Brand

I was asked the following question a few days ago;

"What if people don't like the company whose product you're selling?"

This is an Excellent question. 

How does one overcome a negative brand?

The answer is 'Communication'. 

There is absolutely nothing that cannot be overcome.

Communication must be both Internal and External. 


1. Listen to prospects' / clients/ customers' grievances about the company you represent. 

2. Put yourself in their shoes and try to understand why they see the company you represent in a negative light.

3. Speak with your colleagues to confirm whether they're  getting the same negative responses. 


1. Prepare a Constructive Report, detailing what prospects and clients are saying about the company you represent, and the reasons behind their sentiments.

2. Present your report to your team lead, management team or the relevant decision makers.

Understanding why people view your company negatively presents an opportunity to address the situation from the route. 

A negative brand is a huge obstacle to Sales. One cannot force people to buy. But by listening to your target market and communicating effectively with the necessary departments / individuals within your company it can be overcome. 

The key is a willingness to Listen. 

The best salesmen / women are the best Listeners. 

The geatest leaders are the best Listeners.

The greatest negotiators are the best Listeners.

The best companies Listen to their target market.

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Selling An Unwanted Product

A Product that adds no value leads to certain scenarios.

Such as;

1. Selling blindly to anyone and everything, and foolishly hoping that luck wins the day,

2. Begging prospects for favours.

But for how long can one continue to sell blindly or beg relations and friends for favours?

If your product isn't selling then it's time to do two things;

1. Find out why the product isn't wanted,

2. Make a decision to go back to the drawing board if necessary

The two questions you should always ask yourself are;

1. What is my target market?


2. What are their needs and wants

Your aim should always be to Add Value and Provide Solutions.

And if you're not the business owner, then gather the necessary data / evidence, and present them to your bosses. 

Monday, 25 May 2015

Selling A Bad Product

How do you sell a product that nobody seems to like?

Answer - you can't. 

There are various reasons why prospects may not want a product / service.

1. The product / service doesn't meet their needs

2. The product / service doesn't add any value

3. Negative brand

4. Product / Service is deemed unreliable

Let's talk about 'meeting needs' today.

The key to ensuring your product / service meets prospects / customers needs is to be Customer Centric in everything you do.

You can't force people to like your product. Far better to listen to why they don't like it. Never fear the word 'No'. When people say no to your product / service it gives you the opportunity to ask them why they're saying no; thereby giving you the opportunity to either improve your product or come up with something that they actually need. 

Sales / Business is a 'going concern'. The aim is to Build Businesses and Reputations. Hence a 'quick buck' mindset should never be part of the equation. 

Be Customer Centric at all times

Sunday, 24 May 2015

Our Very Precious Gift

Image result for unconditional love

"The Gift Followed Many Trespasses and Brought Justification."

Romans 5 vs 17

Your greatest Gift is the Righteousness and Unconditional Love of God.

The bible says that this Gift followed Many Trespasses. In other words this wonderful Gift of Righteousness and God's Unconditional Love isn't a reward for good behaviour. It is the result of Christ's finished works.

In-fact to buttress this point, and in stark recognition that we are incapable of earning our Righteousness, the bible goes on to say in Romans 4 verse 5;

"However, to the one who does not work, but trusts God who justifies the ungodly, their faith is credited as righteousness."

Who does he justify?

He justifies the ungodly.

Despite our many trespasses we are blessed with a Gift of Righteousness through the finished works of Jesus Christ.

Can Christ's works be undone?


Is a Gift earned?


Can a Gift be taken back?


This is why Jesus said 'Come to me, for my yoke is light.'

His yoke is light because He has already done all the work.

Ours is to rest and remain secure in our Righteousness through Him,  and in His Unconditional Love.

Friday, 22 May 2015

An Arduous Journey At Best

In precisely a week's time a new President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria will be sworn in. 

In as much as we should celebrate the fact that our nation is about to successfully witness the transfer of power from an incumbent, let none of us be under any illusions as to the magnitude of the task ahead.

The new government will inherit a nation whose economy has been decimated by wide-spread corruption and incompetence. Not only is there no money but we're heavily indebted.

- Federal Government Parastatals' salary arrears of over three months

- State Government Parastatals' salary arrears of over three months

- A Scarcity of Petrol that grows more acute by the day

- The Non Existence of Electricity

- A Grave Unemployment Situation

- A Legislature that is so Ridden With Corruption that one wonders what it actually legislates

The list goes on.

I could put a positive spin on this to make you feel better. But such painting over the many cracks in our nation's wall wouldn't do any of us any good; far better to keep things real.

I for one do not expect any miracles. But I do expect a steady and authentic implementation of the in-coming government's manifesto; even if the pills are hard to swallow at times. 

So let's brace ourselves for what I suspect will be a somewhat arduous journey. But for once I genuinely believe that we will have a government that will always put the interests of the people first.

Here's my advice for the incoming government.

"Try as best you can to Implement the Manifesto you were voted in for, and Communicate at all times With the Electorate that put you in there. "

An Arduous Journey At Best

In precisely a week's time a new President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria will be sworn in. 

In as much as we should celebrate the fact that our nation is about to successfully witness the transfer of power from an incumbent, let none of us be under any illusions as to the magnitude of the task ahead.

The new government will inherit a nation whose economy has been decimated by wide-spread corruption and incompetence. Not only is there no money but we're heavily indebted.

- Federal Government Parastatals' salary arrears of over three months

- State Government Parastatals' salary arrears of over three months

- A Scarcity of Petrol that grows more acute by the day

- The Non Existence of Electricity

- A Grave Unemployment Situation

- A Legislature that is so Ridden With Corruption that one wonders what it actually legislates

The list goes on.

I could put a positive spin on this to make you feel better. But such painting over the many cracks in our nation's wall wouldn't do any of us any good; far better to keep things real.

I for one do not expect any miracles. But I do expect a steady and authentic implementation of the in-coming government's manifesto; even if the pills are hard to swallow at times. 

So let's brace ourselves for what I suspect will be a somewhat arduous journey. But for once I genuinely believe that we will have a government that will always put the interests of the people first.

Here's my advice for the incoming government.

"Try as best you can to Implement the Manifesto you were voted in for, and Communicate at all times With the Electorate that put you in there. "

Thursday, 21 May 2015

Sales Team Productivity And Success

How exactly do you get the best out of your team?

How do you get your team to perform at an optimum level on a continuous basis?

Do you understand and believe in the vision of the company?

Do your team members understand and believe in the vision of the company?

In order for you and your team to perform at an optimum level on a continuous basis, the above questions all need to be answered in the affirmative.

It is vital that team leads not only fully understand the vision and goals of the company, but also believe in it; and in doing so you must be able to constantly explain it to team members in a very simple manner – not because they are slow or dim-witted but so the message can be formed into short, simple and precise phrases that can be repeated constantly with minimal fuss.

There is a huge difference in performance and results between a team that is functioning purely on a ‘needs to know’ and ‘must get results’ basis, and one that is operating in the knowledge, understanding and belief in the vision and goals of the company.

Every team member must not only fully understand their roles, but also believe that their role is a vital cog in the wheel of the team’s / company’s drive to success.

It is important to let team members understand that getting results is extremely important. Successful teams know from the get go where they are heading, and that the only measure of success lies in whether or not they get to their final destination.

It is important to groom your team to have a Winning / Results mentality. Many people love to moan about Jose Mourinho, Chelsea’s football coach. But nobody can deny that he has a distinct ability to develop terms that have a winning mentality. Interestingly this winning mentality runs through every single member of his team, and thereby fosters a powerful togetherness.

At the end of the day, people have bills to pay. They have aspirations about their standard of living.  They also want to live in beautiful houses, drive nice cars, and go on beautiful holidays. All these things cost money. Therefore there is no getting away from giving people incentives to continuously achieve excellent results.

Unity is an important factor of your team’s results. The more unity you have in your team the stronger the team becomes.

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

DO's and DON'TS

 1.    When calling someone for the first time, never start the phone call with; ‘May I be on to...’ or ‘Am I on to...’.

In the world of Sales (especially for those that have dealings with the financial markets) you are more often than not calling people that are a little snobby. Therefore, your use of the English Language is important. An opening line that sounds clumsy or slightly low class is likely to lose your prospect’s interest very quickly – as a result of their losing respect for you.

2.    When speaking with a prospective client for the first time, if the client is a man, start the call with a ‘sir’ and end the call with a ‘sir’. But don’t say ‘sir’ or ‘ma’ after every sentence otherwise your prospect will start thinking he/she is speaking with his/her help.

3.    There are however exceptional circumstances – for instance when speaking to a prospective client that is above 60 years old; they are generally more old fashioned and like (some even insist) being referred to as ‘ma’ or ‘sir’ throughout the phone call.

4.    When a prospective client is agitated and rude on the phone, don’t get angry, and don’t be rude in return. Simply apologise for any inconvenience caused, listen to their grievance, and if you can, try to help. Otherwise, just politely apologise again, put the phone down, dust yourself off and move on.

Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Never Manipulate

 Never manipulate someone to get a sale.


First of all it’s always best to treat people in the same way you want to be treated.

Secondly, that person you are manipulating will come to his or her senses one day; and when they do, many others will know about it. So not only will you lose that person as a client / customer, but you will also lose many potential customers.

Finally, you’d be giving sales people a bad name; and none of us want that.

So let’s continue to work together to build a positive perception for sales professionals.

Be honest at all times – paint the full picture.

Always focus on the big picture – Building long lasting relationships.

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